Adentatec GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Adentatec GmbH”) takes data protection issues seriously and wants to ensure that your privacy is protected when you use the Adentatec GmbH website. Adentatec GmbH has therefore created these notes on data processing notice, in which they explain how they handle your data. You can print or save this document by using the usual functionality of your Internet service program (= browser: usually “File” >> “Save as”). 

Adentatec GmbH reserves the right to amend the content of this data protection notice from time to time. We therefore recommend that you read the information on data processing again at regular intervals. 

§ 1 Personal Data

1. Adentatec GmbH collects, processes and uses your personal data only with your consent or if permitted by law. Adentatec GmbH will only collect, process and use personal data that is necessary for the performance and use of the services of Adentatec GmbH or that you voluntarily provide to Adentatec GmbH.

2. Personal data is all data that contains information about the personal or factual circumstances of a specific or identifiable customer. This includes, for example, the name, e-mail address, telephone number and address, etc.

§ 2 Purposes of collecting personal data

Adentatec GmbH needs your personal data for the following purposes:

§ 3 Automatic data collection through cookies

Cookies are small files that are stored on your data carrier and that save certain settings and data for exchange with our system via your browser. There are basically two different types of cookies. There are so-called “session cookies” as well as temporary or permanent cookies. While session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser, temporary or permanent cookies are stored on your data carrier for a longer period of time or indefinitely. This storage helps us to design our offers for you accordingly, but also makes it easier for you to use our website. By saving certain entries you make, repetitions can be avoided. The following data is automatically collected by the Adentatec GmbH computer system using cookies when the Adentatec GmbH website is accessed:

This data is stored separately from any other data you may provide to Adentatec GmbH. There is no linking of the data with your other data. They are evaluated for statistical purposes so that Adentatec GmbH can optimize its website and other offers. The data is deleted after it has been analyzed. 

If you do not wish cookies to be used, you can block their use in your browser. It cannot be ruled out that this will impair the functionality of the Adentatec GmbH website. 

§ 4 Collection and processing of data when using tracking tools

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is anonymized so that it can no longer be assigned to a connection.

However, if IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened by Google beforehand within member states of the EU or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. 

You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading a browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics and installing it for your browser. You can find the deactivation add-on here:

You can find more information on this at or (general information on Google Analytics and data protection). We would like to point out that on this website Google Analytics has been extended by the code “gat._anonymizeIp();” to ensure anonymized collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking).” 

Use of Google AdWords conversion tracking 

This website uses the online advertising program “Google AdWords” and conversion tracking as part of Google AdWords. The cookie for conversion tracking is set when a user clicks on an ad placed by Google. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer system. These cookies lose their validity after 30 days and are not used for personal identification. If the user visits certain pages of this website and the cookie has not yet expired, we and Google can recognize that the user clicked on the ad and was redirected to this page. Each Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie. Cookies can therefore not be tracked via the websites of AdWords customers. The information collected using the conversion cookie is used to generate conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have opted for conversion tracking. Customers are told the total number of users who clicked on their ad and were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not receive any information that can be used to personally identify users. If you do not wish to participate in tracking, you can object to this use by deactivating the Google conversion tracking cookie via your Internet browser under user settings. You will then not be included in the conversion tracking statistics. You can find more information about Google’s privacy policy at the following Internet address:

§ 5 Usage of Social Plug Ins

Privacy policy for the use of Facebook

Plugins from the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA are integrated on our pages. You can recognize the Facebook plugins by the Facebook logo or the “Like” button on our site. You can find an overview of the Facebook plugins here:
When you visit our pages, a direct connection is established between your browser and the Facebook server via the plugin. Facebook receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. If you click on the Facebook “Like” button while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the content of our pages to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to associate your visit to our pages with your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Facebook. Further information on this can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy at

If you do not want Facebook to be able to associate your visit to our pages with your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account.

§ 6 Consent and Revocation

If you have given Adentatec GmbH your consent to the use, processing and transmission of your personal data for marketing purposes, you can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future without observing a specific form or deadline. In addition, you can – insofar as Adentatec GmbH uses your data within the legally permissible framework for postal marketing measures, for example – object to this use. In both cases, please contact:

Adentatec GmbH GmbH

Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 13

50996 Köln

Tel.: +49 – 221 – 3596-100

Fax.: +49 – 221 – 3596-170

(After your revocation, Adentatec GmbH will use your data exclusively for processing the order and will refrain from sending any further advertising material).

§ 7 Newsletter

We use the list provider OEMUS MEDIA AG to send our newsletter

Holbeinstraße 29, 04229 Leipzig, Germany. OEMUS MEDIA AG offers extensive analysis options on how the newsletters are opened and used. These analyses are group-related and are not used by us for individual evaluation. 

§ 8 Transmission of personal data to third parties

In order to process your order, it is sometimes necessary to transfer your personal data to third parties (e.g. suppliers or forwarding agents). The data passed on to third parties will only be used by them to fulfill their obligations or tasks. Transfers to state institutions or authorities only take place within the framework of mandatory national legislation.

§ 9 Duration of Data Storage

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as is necessary for Adentatec GmbH to provide its services. Sometimes it may be necessary to store data for a longer period due to statutory or legal obligations.

§ 10 Data Security

Adentatec GmbH has implemented technical and organizational security measures to protect your data, in particular against loss, manipulation or unauthorized access. Adentatec GmbH regularly adapts its security precautions to ongoing technical developments.

§ 11 Information

You have the right to request information about your data stored by Adentatec GmbH free of charge at any time. If your data is incorrect and stored unjustly, Adentatec GmbH will be happy to correct, block or delete it. Please also inform Adentatec GmbH as soon as there are any changes to your personal data. Please send your requests for information, questions, complaints or suggestions on the subject of data protection by post to 

Adentatec GmbH GmbH

Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 13

50996 Köln

Data Protection Officer:

Ferizan Burhan-Sayiner

Phone: +49 221 3595100


The new GDPR will apply from 25.05.2018